Monday, 11 May 2015

Architectural Symbol ( drawing of layout plan )

Chai Shu Ling(Olivia) , 0319909
Lesson 6 :Architectural Symbol
In layout plan drawing, it contains different lines, scales and symbols.Also, there are symbols used to show windows and doors. In this lesson , I learnt how to differentiate and draw the symbol of window and door.

This symbol of doors and windows represent the classroom's window and door. I actually need to measure every length, width or thickness of the window and door.After measure it, I drew in my visual diary.

Visual Diary Task :

This is the actually symbol of the door in my class room.

And this is the window.All the measurements is confirmed by my lecturer before we redo it nicely in the visual diary.

Also, I need to draw the elevation, plan and section of certain materials which are timber, brick, steel, glass and concrete.

After completed this task, I learnt more about the symbol of different materials in different aspect.


By giving the samples of first floor and second floor layout plan of a house, I have to draw the ground floor layout plan on a cartridge paper . All the measurements must be accurate and correct. Windows, doors, staircase or balcony must draw out . Everything that I draw must according to the given measurements.

For the first floor layout plan, I only need to draw on tracing paper. Same here, all the measurements must be accurate and correct.  Also, the paper must be clean and neat. The lines should not be blurred. Every fine lines must draw out by using different finness of felt-tip pens.

  That's all , I hope you have get everything you want , Thank you ...

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Orthographic Projection

Chai Shu Ling(Olivia) , 0319909
Lesson 6 : Orthographic Projection
As I mentioned before, being a designer, our vision must be very sensitive . We must be capable to the understanding of plan, elevation and 3D view. Thus, in this lesson, I must have a very good understanding of plan , elevation and 3D view. According to the block given, I must analyse the plan view, elevations and 3D view of the objects.After that, I have to draw it out with the correct measurement.

Plan ( Top view )

Elevation A( Side view )

Elevation B ( Side view )

3D view

According to the object given, I need to use scale ruler with scale 1:100 to measure every single length and recorded it down.This is the sketch before I drew it on the cartridge paper.

By using the scale 1: 100, I drew out the plan , elevation and 3D view of the objects on the cartridge paper. Also, the measurements must write it down.All the lines must follow the measurements recorded.Only 3D view no need to follow the scale and measurements.As you can see, the elevation is correctly projected by the plan view drawing.

This is the drawing that I drew on tracing paper. From this paper, I can clearly see every lines.And is actually look nicer. In the tracing paper, all the construction lines no need to draw out.

To test my understanding, I need to draw another objects by using orthographic projection. Therefore, I choose to draw out a toy. Before I started this assignment, I challenged myself to draw this out. Because this objects is very difficult to draw out . The structure is too complicated but I want to test my capability so I decided to draw this complicated toy.

However, I proud of myself as I really drew it out . Also, I get a good marks for this.This is quite a good challenge for myself. Instead of draw a simple objects, I drew something more complicated and difficult.

That's all , I hope you have get everything you want , Thank you ...