Wednesday 23 December 2015

Interior Design Project 3

Chai Shu Ling ( Olivia ) , 0319909
Project 3 : Listening Booth ( Individual assignment )

In the final project, I had to design a shop lot with specific style given and the music genre followed by the last two project. This shop lot is situated in a KL shopping mall.
Style : Retro
Music : Hiphop

First of all, we need to have a mind map conclude the products, space divided, design elements , colors and so on. It is very important for us to divide our shop lot space before we went to interior design and structure. My shop is mainly sell skateboard ( deck, truck , wheels ) and hiphop musc cd.
It contain a purchasing area, storage, a few display area, workshop and a skateboarding area for consumers to have a try. 

I took about a month to finalize all my plan , section and perspective. After my plan is finalized , mock up model is produced for my tutor to have a clearer information about my shop interior and space divided. During the final, I was asked to produce minimum of 6 A2 presentation board to represent my shop lot. It must contain music and style information, plan, section, perspective and 3D perspective view.

That's all, thank you........