Tuesday 5 April 2016

Detailing & Working Drawings ( I ) - Exercise 1

Chai Shu Ling ( Olivia ), 0319909
Exercise 1 : Observation of a drafting table

In this module of semester 3, the first task was given by observing a drafting table . Students need to sketch out the drafting table by using felt-tip pen ( 0.05, 0.2, 0.6... ). This is to test our understanding of  observing a chosen object in details. To be a designer, we must learn and able to observe objects in details and understand the mechanism used. Thus, this task was giving us a starting point to try to see things in details and differently. Not just observe the surface of the object but also understand the mechanism applied.

Also, as a starting of a new module, students were also need to design their own cover page of the sketch book.

That's all, thank you....

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