Monday 15 June 2015

Perspective Drawing

Chai Shu Ling(Olivia) , 0319909
Lesson 10 : Perspective Drawing
This week, I was learning One point perspective and two point perspective. I learn how to draw grid lines with the iven perspective and how to draw object by using the following perspective. I actually learnt how to draw one point and two point during my foundation. Therefore, this lesson can considered as a revision for me.

Visual Diary : 
( One point perspective )

In this task , I have to choose 5 picture for each perspective to draw out the ceiling level, height level, ground level and vertical line.However, I found it very interesting so I have done extra .

( One point perspective )

( One point perspective )

( One point perspective )

( One point perspective )

Two point perspective

( Two point perspective )

( Two point perspective )

( Two point perspective )

( Two point perspective )

( Two point perspective )

( Two point perspective )


( Two point perspective - Grid line )

( One point perspective - Grid line )

( Objects in two point perspective )

( Objects in one point perspective )

That's all , I hope you have get everything you want , Thank you ...

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