Monday 15 June 2015

Axonometric Drawing

Chai Shu Ling(Olivia) , 0319909
Lesson 9 :Axonometric Drawing
For axonometric drawing , the angle should be 45 degree to 45 degree or 30 degree to 60 degree.

Visual Diary Task :

To increase the understanding of this lesson, I have complete a task which is draw an object given by my lecturer .


Also , I was given an assignment to complete at home. In this assignment, I have to use all the techniques that I learnt before at Redang..

At the following week, I have a test before I start the class. I was only given 15 minutes to draw out an object according to the given information.

That's all , I hope you have get everything you want , Thank you ...

That's all , thank you.......

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