Thursday 29 December 2016

Interior design project III ( 2016 ,semester 4 ) project 1

Project 1 : Research Findings

In this project, we are given a task to group in 4 members and choose a topic to be our research topic. Min wei, Kuai Bing, Celine and me had luckily choose NATIVE. We have been research on this topic for over 1-2 weeks and produce a video about Native. As the leader, I divided the group into 4 which each of us take part in each section : meaning of native, case studies, services provided and type of native provided. Each of us had complete our own task and come out with a informative video which explaining and showcasing all our research outcome. At first, the members wasn't work as please as I thought because everyone has different point of view and understanding according to different section. However, we still managed to complete our task as a team with discussion and helping each other.

Video Link for Research Findings about Native.

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