Thursday 29 December 2016

Interior design project III ( 2016 ,semester 4 ) project 2

Project 2a : Promotional Kiosk

In this project, remain same group as project 1, we were asking to produce a promotional booth and promote a brand can represent our significant meaning of topic given-NATIVE. Banyan tree has become our brand target. We had rebranding Banyan Tree by replacing the color of leaves into gold, red, green, brown and blue to represent each therapy. They venue has been selected at Mid Valley Conventional centre. In these promotional booth task, we added mechanism furniture to remain the sizes of it as easy to move. In this group, some were not please to work together and pay attention to the task given. It did gave me and other groupmate a lot of pressure by completing the task on time. However, problems must be solve to get work done, by rearranging the section given to each groupmate , we managed to completed our work on time and done.

Presentation board for final review:

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