Wednesday 8 July 2015

Model making

For this model making, I group with three of my friends. We use the layout plan that we drew before to make this model. It actually took us about one and a half days to finish this.  What you can see now is a simple model, it looks like easy to be done but its not. Every cutting and measuring took the most time for us to finish . Especially the window and the door. Everything have to be in actual measurements. Everything must be perfect to cut . However, I really enjoy doing this. 

After the model making, I rendered the layout plan and the right elevation with color marker. This two drawing is what I had draw before. Also, the color rendering is very interesting. When I render the plan, I must not use only one tone to render. This is because only different tone of the color can bring out the beauty of it. 

That's all , I hope you have get everything you want , Thank you ...

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